Joyful awareness of God's presence

I was recently asked the question, “What habits, practice, or routines stir within you a joyful and humble adoration of Jesus? And how can you make more space for these things in your life?”

The question was part of the Dwell Daily Devotional on the Dwell App.

My first thought of response was, “I don’t know.” Isn’t that sad? It is honest though.

If I were to consider my habits, practice, or routines while living at my home in Canada I may have more ideas. Walking the dog on the paths near my house. Working on baking bread alone in my kitchen. Caring for my property and growing flowers and plants. Spending time in nature. Sitting in stillness outside soaking up the warm sun.

I’m currently living overseas for a few weeks in a very different climate and setting. Hong Kong is a busy chaotic city in Asia, overstimulating and always noisy. It’s warm and sunny here (a blessing compared to the glum and dreary winter back in Canada), but it can be hard to find peace. My kids feel perpetually exhausted and cranky, and I rarely have time away from them without our usual routines of daycare at home. Even my Airbnb which offers solace from the packed, narrow streets is full of construction noise as the flat below us is being renovated. Concrete walls apparently amplify sound.

How can I be aware of God’s presence, here, in a very different place? How can I connect with him when my usual methods aren’t the same? Of course I still have my Bible. I have access to books, podcasts, and more. But I’m so influenced by my space and surroundings. Should that stop me? Is God inviting me to discover him in a new place?

What habits, practice, or routines can I pursue even though I’m in a different setting? I feel a need to start afresh in a new place. Perhaps steal away to a coffee shop on my own to read and reflect during afternoon nap time. Or wake early before my children to listen to a podcast and find some stillness before the noise and chaos of littles in a space that is not their own.

Can I be joyfully aware of God’s presence? It is joy I desperately need this week. On this first week of the year.

Can I humbly adore the presence of Jesus? To be humble is to think of myself less, and to adore and praise Jesus who deserves all the glory and honour. It would be healthy and helpful for me to think less of my circumstances, annoyances, and challenges. Most things are outside my control right now, and though at times I feel tired and weary of living short-term overseas, our purpose for being here is important and valuable and a blessing to our family and work.

“The practice of reflection and identifying God at work brings me into a joyful awareness of Christ, where I can humbly adore him. A simple response of grateful praise and prayer in seeing God at work is enough.”

But how do I take delight in Christ if I don’t feel him or sense his presence? Though I know God is here, I may not feel him. In order to be joyfully aware and humbly adore I thought of how I have seen evidence of God at work this past week. This practice of reflection and identifying God at work in the details of our lives helps me see him and recognize his presence even in this new place.

Seeing God at work in our new place:

  • God’s mercy in helping my kids sleep well to help them recover from being overstimulated.

  • God working in E’s heart to help her learn how to listen, obey, and pray (as a toddler she has been struggling with defiance and wrestling with big emotions, not knowing how to manage them).

  • Valuable connection time with our ministry partners here - talking on deep heart level, even though we haven’t seen many of these people in person for 4-5 years.

  • Renewing a friendship with TC.

  • God financially providing for us while we are here.

  • Many opportunity to build trust and connection with our family here.

  • Being unified with B as we care for our family’s needs and do ministry (we feel like a real partnership, full of support and encouragement).

These are all evidences of the Holy Spirit at work in us, through us, and in the lives of the people we are engaging with. It is evidence of Christ’s presence here, in a chaotic city that doesn’t always offer me peace at first glance. And yet the practice of reflection and identifying God at work brings me into a joyful awareness of Christ, where I can humbly adore him. A simple response of grateful praise and prayer in seeing God at work is enough.

May I continue to find new habits, routines, and practices that bring me into a greater awareness of God’s presence, even here in my new place. And may I take delight in Christ with joy, humbly adoring him–fixing my eyes on him instead of my own self.