Happy Birthday to my guy

My husband isn’t a fan of celebrating his birthday. So he says. But I’m not totally convinced.

His biggest birthday dream would be having all of his friends over for a big party and cooking them food. He loves people and he loves serving them. Also he’s an amazing cook. Some of the traits that make me so grateful I married him. 

I love people too. And a girl’s gotta eat right? 

We’re just shy of 9 months married and if I’ve learned anything during this pandemic, it’s that I’m so friggin thankful that I married B. He’s a steady presence, not just in the twist and turns of newlywed life but also during a global pandemic. 

He’s undeniably faithful and loyal. Kind hearted and tender. He’s funny beyond belief and he’s learning when to reign in the silliness. He’s thoughtful, mindful of his choices, and cares about stewardship. Not just financial stewardship, but emotionally and physically. He reminds me of my boundaries and teaches me how to care for myself. 

He pushes me to think outside the box, and often thinks of creative solutions for problems even when I’m more prone to give up. I definitely underestimate him. I’m learning never to do that. 

He loves children and he’s wonderful with them. They love how expressive he is, and how he shows genuine interest, meeting them at their level. 

This year his birthday falls on Father’s day––usually a sore day for me. However this year I couldn’t feel more hopeful. I really hope we’re blessed with children of our own one day. But in the meantime I get a front row seat watching him care for, parent, and minister to so many people (from his computer screen, but still!). I see him developing as a leader, and taking responsibility in humble ways. Not just in his ministry role, but in our home. He will make a wonderful earthly father one day, but I already see him developing as a spiritual father to many young men and friends in his life. 

This year we can’t have a giant party and gather with all of our friends. But I baked him a cake. And we’re cherishing a quiet day at home, enjoying the first few official days of summer. 

Here are a few photos taken at our wedding of him that I love. Hannah Belvedere and her team did an amazing job with our wedding photography. We are so thankful for their investment in celebrating our day. 

Happy birthday B. I love you. I am so so so grateful for you. 
