Talking about abuse again...on a podcast!

I have exciting news! Indoubt which is part of Back to the Bible Canada (a radio ministry) reached out to me a few months ago to be a guest on their podcast. They read my TGC-Canada article, How I Forgave My Abuser, and wanted to dive deeper into what forgiveness looks like, especially in the context of abuse.

[Sidenote: that TGC-Canada article was my debut with them, and it was 3 years ago–crazy!]

Talking about abuse isn’t easy, but as more and more stories come out of people who have suffered in silence but are now finding freedom, we need to talk about it. And we need to talk about what forgiveness is, and isn’t, and the impact of the gospel and Jesus’ death on the cross.

Anyways we get into all of that in the 2 part podcast series! It was published just this week and I’m really excited to share it with you.

Recording a podcast was nerve-wracking, but it turned out so much better than I expected. The indoubt team did an amazing job and the sound quality is really good even though we recorded over Zoom. Hopefully in the future they will have me back and we can chat some more!

More about indoubt:

indoubt exists to bring the gospel to the relevant issues of life and faith that young adults face every day, cultivating conversation. This is primarily achieved through a weekly radio/podcast show in which the indoubt host talks with recognized Christian leaders on various subjects including theology, art, relationships, mental health, marijuana, abortion, sexuality, and more. Secondarily, indoubt serves this mission through articles and blogs, Bible studies for individual and group use, and live events - all for free. 

The name considers the state that many young adults find themselves in: in doubt. This isn’t just a reference to their faith, but many things. Young adults are in doubt about their relationships, their jobs, their schooling, and much more. Our hope is to come alongside young adults in their doubts, and to provide these gospel-rich principles, truths, and applications to help them think critically and biblically.

Click on the links or photos below to listen to each episode.

Abuse is much more the norm than we might ever hope to imagine, and it takes on so many different forms. How would I know I’m in an abusive relationship? How do I navigate what has taken place? How do I move forward, even forgive? Erin Ford from Power to Change joins indoubt host Daniel Markin for a candid conversation about Erin’s personal experience of abuse and her journey to forgiveness.

Join indoubt host Daniel Markin as he continues his conversation with Erin Ford about her experience of forgiveness and what she refers to as the 3 truths of forgiveness. This just may be the transformational conversation you need to hear to experience new freedom in your own life.