What's on my bookshelf

Earlier this year, in the midst of the Marie Kondo craze (well, let’s be honest, tidying will always be in), I looked at my bookshelves and felt a bit overwhelmed. I’m a book hoarder and collector and often guests remark fondly of my wall of books. I’ve worked hard over the years to purchase and save the right books, and often lend them out to friends. 

Well, I got married this year. And I realized that my new husband will come with stuff of his own. I looked at those bookshelves and realized there were going to be some changes. It’s not just going to be me and my books anymore, but his books too. I needed to do some purging.

I started by counting all my books and journals and came to some crazy number over 360. I can’t remember. I purged all the ones that I didn’t want to keep, pass onto others, or save as resources. I think that came to just over 20. Not a huge purge, but baby steps right? 

I sold some via Instagram and donated the rest. And realized that when people were asking me for book recommendations, I needed to share about the books I KEPT. The ones I love and would read again and encourage others to read. Life is too short to read bad books. 

So here’s my list (not comprehensive), of 30-ish books in 6 categories that I would recommend to you, dear reader. 

These are books I’ve read (in part or in full). While reading each of these books, God worked powerfully in my life. It’s emotional really, as I consider how the Holy Spirit (God dwelling inside me), worked to help me understand God better, heal my heart, or even lead me to change as a result of these written works. 

Comment below if you’re read any and loved them! Or if you have other suggestions too.

*For transparency, shopping my Amazon Affiliate links helps me keep creating great content here and elsewhere.

On Home 

I’ve always longed to be rooted and grounded in the idea of home. The physical places of my childhood that remind me the most of “home” are my grandparents house and my childhood home, both of which has been sold and house new families now. As I’ve grown into adulthood there’s been a lot of both letting go and grasping of “home”. Seasons of longing of wanting to belong to a place and beautify it. This next season of marriage will again establish a new sense of home, which is both exciting and scary. These books have helped ground me in how to see home as a spiritual and emotional concept, and also how to welcome others in and create places and spaces of rest and refreshment for others. 

Placemaker by Christie Purifoy 

Restoration House by Kennesha Buyuks 

Homebody by Joanna Gaines 

Keeping Place by Jen Pollock Michel 

Women and the Bible 

Ladies, we were created in the image of God as a co-heir with men to share in the stewardship, cultivating, creating, and managing of the earth. It’s a beautiful part of God’s design. And yet I believe that God also set us apart for special work. Not in a way that makes us less than a man, nor more than a man, just different. And when women and men work together they complement each other as they lead and serve others. I guess this is my very loose and probably not perfect way of describing complementarian theology. Anyways, these are the books that helped shape my view of women and the Bible. 

Women & God by Kathleen Nielsen 

Word-Filled Women’s Ministry by Gloria Furman and Kathleen Nielsen 

Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God by Noelle Piper 

God’s Design for Man and Woman by Andreas and Margaret Kostenberger 


I think there’s more bad books then there are fewer gems sadly. I’ve read a lot, and many I wouldn’t recommend. In longing for relationship and marriage in a season of singleness there’s a temptation to read, read, read, as if the more knowledge gained helps you be more prepared. This is a lie. Have faith that if you enter dating or marriage, God will prepare you in that time. Yet, here are some really really really good resources I would wholeheartedly recommend. 

Not Yet Married by Marshall Segal 

The Meaning of Marriage by Tim and Kathy Keller 

Tying the Knot by Rob Green 

Preparing for Marriage by David Boehi, Brent Nelson, Jeff Schulte and Lloyd Shadrach 

Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot 

Quest for Love by Elisabeth Elliot 

Intended for Pleasure by Ed and Gaye Wheat 

Theology/about God 

I’m not really a big theology nerd. I’m not one to spend hours contemplating the different aspects of theology and all the views etc. I kind of avoid controversy. But how we think about God, and how we interpret Scripture definitely matters. These books talk about who God is and apply it to real life. I appreciate those theology-based books. The practical ones. 

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer  

Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung 

Humility and Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray 

Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper 

Death by Love by Mark Discroll 

Biographies/Personal Stories 

Stories move us. Change us. Direct us. Reading these journeys, experiences, and thoughts has impacted how I view the world – and people who live very different lives than me. It’s a healthy and a very good thing. 

Becoming by Michelle Obama 

He Speaks in the Silence by Diane Comer 

These Strange Ashes by Elisabeth Elliot 

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah 

Personal growth/healing 

I don’t really know what else to say except while reading these books, God met me. Taught me. Shepherded me. Consoled me. Encouraged me. Challenged me. Changed me. These books are so practical and directly impact the relationships in your life. I hate feeling helpless and stuck in relationships–or even in myself and my own brokenness. The tools, ideas, and resources in these books helped pull me out of myself and see life and people differently. 

Redemption by Mike Wilkerson 

How People Change by Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp 

Stripped by Lina AbuJamra 

Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend 

When People are Big and God is Small by Edward Welch 

Shame Interrupted by Edward Welch  

The Art of Forgiving by Lewis B. Smedes 
